Strategic communication is key in any human endeavour as it is basically acknowledged that nobody engages in any enterprise in the dark.
This is because nobody would see your efforts in the dark. The Scriptures acknowledge the need to engage in business in the public space. Luke 8:16 states that, ” No one, who has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lamp stand, that those who enter may see the light.”
Even in the Biblical days, the need to publicise ones activities was emphasised to ensure that the people get to know the goings on. Unfortunately, this reality is yet to dawn on leaders of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), thus leaving the field for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to mislead the people with their Goebbelsian lies.
The leaders of the NPP have refused to accept that their communication strategy is weak. The government and party communicators including top appointees of government prefer to be in denial of this fact, while John Mahama with his skills in communication tries to lead the people astray.
It is a fact that all government appointees including ministers of state and chief executive officers of state-owned enterprises are official spokespersons of their sector and must lead the charge to communicate issues to the public.
It is sad that under the watch of President Akufo-Addo, these appointees appear to be on a virtual holiday when it comes to communicating government policies to the people even as they enjoy the perks and privileges of the office. We know that all the appointees may not have the skills to talk about government programmes and policies, nonetheless we strongly believe these office holders have what it takes to communicate about their sectors.
Recently, it had to take the Minister of Roads and Highways, Akwasi Amoako Atta, out of frustration, to get a team to publicise work on a phase of the Eastern Corridor Road, although government pays people to disseminate that kind of information.
If the appointing authority would not crack the whip on its appointees who have developed a phobia for public engagement, then sooner than later we shall name and shame such appointees.
The NPP faced a similar problem in 2008 when the appointees failed to talk about the unprecedented projects executed by the Kufuor administration. History, it appears, is repeating itself, but we urge committed members of the party to rise up against the armchair appointees whose only delight lies in the privileges of the office.
Frankly speaking, the ball game in an election year must be different and those who fail to deliver on the mandate of ‘breaking the eight’ must be shown the exit. This is not the time for any Godfather business, Mr. President, those who can be part of “President’s Men” must not be just people passing through but officials who can do the job.
We think that henceforth, there should not be room for excuses and everybody must set to deliver to the expectations of the people.