“On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.
I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect…. Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation…. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”
This statement was made by US President Joseph Biden on the Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 on Easter Day, March 31, 2024.
For a statement like this to come out of the most powerful man in the world, is very problematic. Besides, the insults to Jesus Christ, whose resurrection was celebrated that day, the highest event in Christendom, the statement itself has racial undertones.
He is telling us that America’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union, where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives, is only fulfilled by declaring Transgenders, free.
In American history, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, in December 1865. It was meant to set all Blacks free, but to this date, racism has made the Blacks to be unequally treated as humans in the USA. They do not enjoy the same rights and freedom as the White Americans do.
Today, President Joe Biden has given equal rights and justice, that is denied Black America to the LGBTQ persons. This is a clear case of racism.
The question which the LGBTQ advocates like US Ambassador Virginia Palmer are failing to answer, is this, “why is it that the US and other Western nations that support LGBTQ , are not placing sanctions on countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia that disallow LGBTQ activities in their country, but are rather daring us, accept LGBTQ or face economic and political sanctions?”
It all bothers on racism. The average Caucasian, does not believe that Blacks must exist in this world. So, by any means possible, Blacks must be getting ride off.
With the knowledge that in unity lies strength, the Whites came to our land and sold seeds of discord among us. To this day, ethnocentrism has created divisions among tribes, and for solutions we always go to the source of the problem, the White man.
Black nations are turned against one another, as in the case of Black South Africans, who were made to believe that other Black Africans are worthless. This resulted in xenophobia attacks on Black African migrants.
Let us look at a few ways adopted to eliminate Black Africans.
King Leopold II of Belgium in 1885, claimed he founded and owned Congo Free State, now DR Congo, and for twenty-years, he killed about 15 million indigenous Blacks. Adolf Hitler killed about 10 million people across Europe during the Second World War but he is rated higher among evil leaders than Leopold II, who is even hardly mentioned. Black life does not matter.
In the seventies, Family Planning scheme was introduced by the Whites to reduce the Black population. Even though, we had natural forms of birth control, we were lured into taking drugs, inserting rubbers at the neck of the womb and other methods to prevent pregnancy.
This seemed to fail, as the Black population in Africa kept growing.
Then came 2019, as if by design, a deadly virus, the Corona Virus (Covid-19) attacked the world. Up to now, we are yet to get confession from the West or the East as to who bred this virus.
With all health facilities brought down to the knees, all across the world, and despite things going very worse in their countries, the Whites found time to celebrate that soon, dead bodies will litter the streets of Black Africa. Covid-19 was introduced to kill off Black Africans.
Madagascar found a cure, but quickly, the West used covert means to make that cure ineffective.
It turned out that, God had His eyes favourably on Black Africa. Out of the over 705 million cases with a little over seven million deaths, world-wide, Africa, suffered 12.9 million cases with almost 259,000 deaths. In Covid-19 cases the continent placed thirteenth behind powerful nations like the USA, France, Germany, Japan, UK and Russia, whose health delivery system can be classified as the best in the world. With the little that we have, Africa was able to come out, very strong.
So, this time round, ever determined to cleanse Blacks off the surface of the world, the West is bent on forcing LGBTQ down our throats.
Should we accept this unnatural way of life which is against the divine laws of God, our population will start to nosedive coupled with conflicts among our various ethnic groups, religions and ideologies. Africa, yes, Black Africa will go down and never to rise again. Then, it will not be long for the everlasting black-out to black-out the existence of the Beautiful Black Race.
Unless, we wake up and view LGBTQ activities as a danger to us and that could create conflict between us and God, we shall be choked to death. LGBTQ activities, being forced on us, is a racist approach to exterminate Black in Africa.
Hon. Daniel Dugan
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.
The post Racism in LGBTQ appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
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